With this recipe, you will learn how to make authentic cookies, the best you will ever taste! You will also learn some useful English vocabulary related to baking, including some conversion tips for measurement units.
1 pound=453,59 gr
½ pound=227 gr
1 stick butter=110 gr
1 cup=240 ml. The weight depend on the product :
1 cup brown sugar=170 gr
1 cup granulated sugar=220 gr
Granulated sugar is the most common every-day table sugar. It is the kind used for sweetening cereal, yogurt and such, and in most of the baking. (sucre cristallisé)
1 teaspoon=5gr (cuillère à café)
1 cup flour=140 gr
2 cups flour=280 gr
Baking soda is a white powder used as a raising agent in cakes. (bicarbonate de soude)
1 cup chocolate chips=125 gr
1 ½ cups chocolate chips= 188 gr
325°F (Fahrenheit)=177°C (Celsius)
a cookie sheet= a baking plate for cookies (plaque à biscuits)
fluffy=soft, mellow (consistance légère et onctueuse)
sift=pour and sprinkle (tamiser)
stir in=mix with, put into (incorporer, mélanger)
a tablespoon=a spoon used for eating soup (cuillère à soupe)
to flatten=to press the dough ball to make it larger and thinner (aplatir)
on the middle rack (of the oven)=on the grid at mid-height (sur la grille du milieu du four)
transferring to a rack=putting on a grid (transférer sur une grille)
You can add:
You can also substitute 1 teaspoon mint extract for the vanilla extract.
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